Thursday, 30 July 2009

Chinese Astrology - Traits of Chinese Animals


There are many differences between Chinese and Western astrology, the main one being that whereas we see the Sun Sign (according to the DATE of birth) as important, the Chinese will refer to a person’s Moon, or Animal Sign (according to the YEAR of birth). The twelve Chinese astrological signs are all named after animals. Chinese legend tells how, many centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ, the Buddha decided to invite all the animals to join in a celebration before he departed from the Earth. Yet for no known reason, only twelve animals obeyed the summons and so to show his gratitude the Buddha named a year after each of these, in the order they came before him: The Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Goat, the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog and the Pig.

Chinese Astrology is becoming more and more popular in the West and often people will link their Animal Sign with their Western Sun Sign to gain a deeper understanding of their nature. To find out more about your Animal sign, look for your YEAR of birth under the following Signs. The cycles begin late January/early February so if you were born around this time of the year, read the characteristics of the Sign for your year and the previous one too, then you should be able to decide which one is you!

(1904, 1916, 1928, 1940,1952, 1964, 1976, 1988)
Enthusiastic, optimistic, confident and full of energy best describe Dragon people. Good fortune often shines down on them and their luck will rub off on their friends and loved-ones. Negative traits include a tendency to be demanding, over-bearing and quick tempered.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Rats, Snakes, Monkeys and Rooster
FAMOUS DRAGONS: Bob Monkhouse, Cliff Richard, Gloria Hunniford, Liam Neeson

(1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977,1989)
Snakes are philosophical and more intellectually than physically inclined. They are generally quiet, attractive, unassuming folk with musical or artistic talents or at least showing an appreciation of the Arts. Negative traits include extravagance, laziness and possessiveness.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Rooster, Oxen, Sheep and other Snakes
FAMOUS SNAKES: Michael Crawford, Dame Vera Lynn, John Thaw, Brad Pitt

Good humoured, sociable and freedom-loving, Horses are charming, witty and great company. They may however tend to put themselves before others or show a lack of regard for other people’s feelings.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Tigers, Dogs and Goats
FAMOUS HORSES: Sean Connery, Rowan Atkinson, Billy Connolly, Denzel Washington

(1907, 1919,1931,1943,1955,1967,1979,1991)

Goats are more introvert than extrovert, more artistic than sporting. They are sensitive, kind and caring, willing to do anything for the sake of peace. Goats love their home and family but they can attract problems by getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. They are sometimes impressionable and easily led.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Rabbit, Pigs, Horses and Tigers.
FAMOUS GOATS: Freddie Star, Mick Jagger, John le Carre, Julia Roberts

Monkeys are inventive and passionate about all that they do. They’re fun-loving, vivacious and assertive with an excellent sense of humour. On the negative side, they don’t like to be criticised and they can be manipulative and deceitful.
FAMOUS MONKEYS: Elizabeth Taylor, Peter O’Toole, Angela Rippon, Tom Hanks

Intelligent, inventive and adventurous Roosters are full of fun but they can be full of themselves, arrogant and ostentatious. They like to be at the centre of attention and would do well on the stage or in positions of leadership.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Oxen, Snakes and Dragons
FAMOUS ROOSTERS: Jasper Carrot, Yoko Ono, Les Dawson, Rod Stewart

Faithful, trustworthy and hard working, Dogs will put in a lot of effort on other people’s behalf. Although friendly, they’re generally introverted. They can also be stubborn, pessimistic and critical.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Rabbits, Horses, Tigers and Snakes
FAMOUS DOGS: Michael Jackson, David Bowie. Timothy Dalton, Sylvester Stallone

Sensual, sensitive and sympathetic, Pigs are loyal friends always seeing the good in others. There is an inner strength which helps them through life’s difficulties but they can be too trusting and easy to fleece.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Rats, Rabbits and Tigers
FAMOUS PIGS: Sarah Ferguson, John McEnroe, David Essex, Pete Sampras

THE RAT(1912,1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996)
Charming and well mannered, Rats can be generous, loving and sentimental. They want to make a success of themselves and can’t stand the idea of losing. Negative traits include a tendency to pick faults and to manipulate others.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Dragon, Pigs and Monkeys
FAMOUS RATS: The Queen Mother, Prince Charles, Jonathan Ross, Winston Churchill

Practical, down-to-earth, patient and methodical, Ox people are hard workers and they thrive on routine. They can, however, be bossy and domineering. They don’t adapt easily to change and are sometimes set in their ways.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Snakes, Roosters, Rabbits and Pigs
FAMOUS OXEN: Margaret Thatcher, Jack Nicholson, Adolf Hitler, Bruce Springsteen

Tigers are strong in character, fearless and brave. It is considered to be very lucky to be born in the year of the Tiger. They are affectionate and generous but impetuous, short-tempered and rebellious.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Horses, Dragons and Dogs
FAMOUS TIGERS: Terry Wogan, Richard Branson, the Queen, Tom Cruise

Rabbits are intelligent and clever and can make a success of most anything they do. They have good money sense and their caring nature will attract many friends. On the negative side, Rabbits can be moody, unpredictable and ultra-sensitive. Although classed as one of the luckiest Signs, in Japan, there is a superstition that rabbits are linked with witches so those born under this Sign are sometimes viewed with suspicion.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Rabbits, Oxen, Goats and PigsFAMOUS RABBITS: Jimmy Tarbuk, Kenny Dalgish, Demi Moore, Phil Collins

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