Friday, 17 July 2009

Aries Compatibility - Aries Astrology Relationships

Aries is an outgoing and assertive sign. Adventurous, independent and active they would hate to be curbed by a possessive lover. Arians enjoy excitement and find it frustrating when every day is the same as the next. These aren't people who will settle into a routine. In fact they'll be the ones who will find ways to liven everything up.

Aries is a fire sign and is likely to get on well with the other fire signs Sagittarius and Leo. Air signs too are generally compatible. These are Geminis, Aquarians and Librans.

For a detailed analysis of Aries relationship with the other signs, click on the relationship you're interested in:

Aries with Aries
Aries with Taurus
Aries with Gemini
Aries with Cancer
Aries with Leo
Aries with Virgo
Aries with Libra

Aries with Scorpio

Aries with Sagittarius
Aries with Capricorn
Aries with Aquarius
Aries with Pisces

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