Thursday, 30 July 2009
Chinese Astrology - Traits of Chinese Animals
There are many differences between Chinese and Western astrology, the main one being that whereas we see the Sun Sign (according to the DATE of birth) as important, the Chinese will refer to a person’s Moon, or Animal Sign (according to the YEAR of birth). The twelve Chinese astrological signs are all named after animals. Chinese legend tells how, many centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ, the Buddha decided to invite all the animals to join in a celebration before he departed from the Earth. Yet for no known reason, only twelve animals obeyed the summons and so to show his gratitude the Buddha named a year after each of these, in the order they came before him: The Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Goat, the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog and the Pig.
Chinese Astrology is becoming more and more popular in the West and often people will link their Animal Sign with their Western Sun Sign to gain a deeper understanding of their nature. To find out more about your Animal sign, look for your YEAR of birth under the following Signs. The cycles begin late January/early February so if you were born around this time of the year, read the characteristics of the Sign for your year and the previous one too, then you should be able to decide which one is you!
(1904, 1916, 1928, 1940,1952, 1964, 1976, 1988)
Enthusiastic, optimistic, confident and full of energy best describe Dragon people. Good fortune often shines down on them and their luck will rub off on their friends and loved-ones. Negative traits include a tendency to be demanding, over-bearing and quick tempered.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Rats, Snakes, Monkeys and Rooster
FAMOUS DRAGONS: Bob Monkhouse, Cliff Richard, Gloria Hunniford, Liam Neeson
(1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977,1989)
Snakes are philosophical and more intellectually than physically inclined. They are generally quiet, attractive, unassuming folk with musical or artistic talents or at least showing an appreciation of the Arts. Negative traits include extravagance, laziness and possessiveness.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Rooster, Oxen, Sheep and other Snakes
FAMOUS SNAKES: Michael Crawford, Dame Vera Lynn, John Thaw, Brad Pitt
Good humoured, sociable and freedom-loving, Horses are charming, witty and great company. They may however tend to put themselves before others or show a lack of regard for other people’s feelings.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Tigers, Dogs and Goats
FAMOUS HORSES: Sean Connery, Rowan Atkinson, Billy Connolly, Denzel Washington
(1907, 1919,1931,1943,1955,1967,1979,1991)
Goats are more introvert than extrovert, more artistic than sporting. They are sensitive, kind and caring, willing to do anything for the sake of peace. Goats love their home and family but they can attract problems by getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. They are sometimes impressionable and easily led.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Rabbit, Pigs, Horses and Tigers.
FAMOUS GOATS: Freddie Star, Mick Jagger, John le Carre, Julia Roberts
Monkeys are inventive and passionate about all that they do. They’re fun-loving, vivacious and assertive with an excellent sense of humour. On the negative side, they don’t like to be criticised and they can be manipulative and deceitful.
FAMOUS MONKEYS: Elizabeth Taylor, Peter O’Toole, Angela Rippon, Tom Hanks
Intelligent, inventive and adventurous Roosters are full of fun but they can be full of themselves, arrogant and ostentatious. They like to be at the centre of attention and would do well on the stage or in positions of leadership.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Oxen, Snakes and Dragons
FAMOUS ROOSTERS: Jasper Carrot, Yoko Ono, Les Dawson, Rod Stewart
Faithful, trustworthy and hard working, Dogs will put in a lot of effort on other people’s behalf. Although friendly, they’re generally introverted. They can also be stubborn, pessimistic and critical.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Rabbits, Horses, Tigers and Snakes
FAMOUS DOGS: Michael Jackson, David Bowie. Timothy Dalton, Sylvester Stallone
Sensual, sensitive and sympathetic, Pigs are loyal friends always seeing the good in others. There is an inner strength which helps them through life’s difficulties but they can be too trusting and easy to fleece.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Rats, Rabbits and Tigers
FAMOUS PIGS: Sarah Ferguson, John McEnroe, David Essex, Pete Sampras
THE RAT(1912,1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996)
Charming and well mannered, Rats can be generous, loving and sentimental. They want to make a success of themselves and can’t stand the idea of losing. Negative traits include a tendency to pick faults and to manipulate others.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Dragon, Pigs and Monkeys
FAMOUS RATS: The Queen Mother, Prince Charles, Jonathan Ross, Winston Churchill
Practical, down-to-earth, patient and methodical, Ox people are hard workers and they thrive on routine. They can, however, be bossy and domineering. They don’t adapt easily to change and are sometimes set in their ways.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Snakes, Roosters, Rabbits and Pigs
FAMOUS OXEN: Margaret Thatcher, Jack Nicholson, Adolf Hitler, Bruce Springsteen
Tigers are strong in character, fearless and brave. It is considered to be very lucky to be born in the year of the Tiger. They are affectionate and generous but impetuous, short-tempered and rebellious.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Horses, Dragons and Dogs
FAMOUS TIGERS: Terry Wogan, Richard Branson, the Queen, Tom Cruise
Rabbits are intelligent and clever and can make a success of most anything they do. They have good money sense and their caring nature will attract many friends. On the negative side, Rabbits can be moody, unpredictable and ultra-sensitive. Although classed as one of the luckiest Signs, in Japan, there is a superstition that rabbits are linked with witches so those born under this Sign are sometimes viewed with suspicion.
COMPATIBILE ANIMALS: Rabbits, Oxen, Goats and PigsFAMOUS RABBITS: Jimmy Tarbuk, Kenny Dalgish, Demi Moore, Phil Collins
Friday, 17 July 2009
Aries Compatibility - Aries Astrology Relationships
Aries is a fire sign and is likely to get on well with the other fire signs Sagittarius and Leo. Air signs too are generally compatible. These are Geminis, Aquarians and Librans.
For a detailed analysis of Aries relationship with the other signs, click on the relationship you're interested in:
Aries with Aries
Aries with Taurus
Aries with Gemini
Aries with Cancer
Aries with Leo
Aries with Virgo
Aries with Libra
Aries with Scorpio
Aries with Sagittarius
Aries with Capricorn
Aries with Aquarius
Aries with Pisces
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
The Aries Personality
Arians are positive, energetic, wilful and independent. They can also be quick tempered and selfish. Arians are courageous with immense restless energy; they’re often always in a rush and keen to get a move on and become quickly impatient and irritated. Arians are great at taking the initiative, starting new projects and will inspire others with their enthusiasm. In their relationships Arians are frank and direct; they will be generous with their friends.
Aries is a Fire sign and those born under the first sign of the zodiac will enjoy outdoors sports and have a love of adventure. Aries rules over the head and brain in medical astrology.
The Aries man is ambitious, career-orientated and focused on his goals. The Aries woman is assertive, confident and determined to get what she wants. The Aries lover is romantic, generous with affections and highly passionate.
Horoscopes and Rising Signs - What is the Ascendant?
What is the rising sign? Where in the horoscope is this sign located and what is its astrological significance?
Most people will have heard of the term ‘rising sign’ and the other term often used for it: the ascendant.
The ascendant is often the first feature of interest when an astrologer begins interpreting a chart. The ascendant is the actual degree of the ecliptic which is rising over the Eastern horizon at the precise time of birth; the rising sign is the sign rising over the Eastern Horizon at the time of birth; also the sign on the cusp of the first house.
The Rising Sign
The Rising Sign is determined from the time and place of birth. The more exact this information the more accurate will be this important feature of the horoscope. Sometimes magazines and newspapers give charts for working out ascendants in a general way but because of the calculations involved, it’s best to consult an astrologer to find your true ascendant. For a quick calculation you might use Rising Sign Calculator.
This part of the chart indicates how others will see you: the personality and expressions which will be on show. That’s why it’s often easier to guess a person’s Ascendant or Rising sign than their sun sign.
The Horoscope and Sun Sign
Most people know their sun sign. This is the sign the sun was in when they were born, for instance an Arian will have the sun in Aries, a Capricorn is named such because the sun was in Capricorn when they were born.
Sun sign characteristics are often masked by the ascendant. For example once that cheerful and seemingly extrovert Leo ascendant shows the true person underneath, there may be revealed a well-hidden sensitive and emotional side to the same personality which is her or her Pisces sun sign.
Rising Sign Personalities
Summed up in a few words, here’s what to expect in rising sign personalities.
Aries rising will be quick, enthusiastic and a little heated.
Taurus rising will be amicable but often stubborn and will love good food.
Gemini rising will be versatile with a love of variety as he or she will be easily bored. Leo rising will be confident, cheerful and a good entertainer.
Cancer rising will be sensitive and family orientated.
Virgo rising may be a little reserved: he or she will be neat in appearance and manner, sometimes to the point of being finicky.
Libra rising is charming, graceful and probably very good looking.
Deep and determined is the person with Scorpio rising.
Sagittarius rising is jovial and courageous with a good sense of humour.
Capricorn rising is reliable and hard working.
Aquarius rising is sociable and open minded.
Piscens rising will be artistic sensitive and imaginative.
So where the sun sign describes the basic ego and the Moon sign, the emotional inner self, the rising sign portrays the façade a person shows to the rest of the world.
Friday, 10 July 2009
Phases of the Moon and Life on Earth

The ever-changing moon moves swiftly through the night-time sky and with her cycles and phases there are links with life on Earth, with human personality and activity.
From one new moon to another takes 29 ½ days. Most years have thirteen new moons or thirteen full moons but never both. Occasionally a year will miss out and have twelve of each. As well as the cycles of the moon as it travels through each sign of the zodiac each month, there are eclipses, Harvest Moons and Blue Moons.
The phases of the moon have been observed and recorded since ancient times and man has always respected the importance of the moon’s cycle. Observations have noted the following lunar effects.
Full Moon and Lunacy
There are more accidents, crimes and admissions to mental homes at the time of a full moon. At the University of Miami, psychologist Arnold Lieber and his colleagues decided to test the old belief of full moon and lunacy. Research using murder date from Cuyahoga County in Ohio, Cleveland showed that the full moon marks a monthly peak in various kinds of psychotically oriented crimes such as murder, arson, dangerous driving and kleptomania.
Crimes and violence aren’t the only things affected by the full moon. In the Journal of the Florida Medical Association, Dr Edson Andrews noted that ina study of 1000 tonsillectomies, 82 per cent of postoperative bleeding crises occurred nearer the full than the new moon, despite the fact that fewer operations were performed at that time. This suggests the full moon is a more dangerous time for surgery.
Moon Phases and Tree Felling
In South America and Southeast Asia, tree-harvesting contracts are linked to the phases of the moon. Trees are only cut down on a waning moon, as near to the new moon as possible. This is because on a waxing moon, the sap rises in the trees, this attracts hordes of deathwatch beetles which can destroy a crop.
Moon Babies
Curtis Jackson, controller of Southern California Methodist hospital quantified over 11,000 births over a period of six years and found that nearly 1,000 more children were conceived during the waxing moon. The conclusion drawn from this is that conception is easier at this time.
Lunar Calendar, Life and Astrology
How does the Moon affect personality and life events? Rather than look for a reason, many astrologers observe and trust in what they see through those observations. Just as God can’t be seen but many trust without question and feel His presence in their lives.
Some will argue that because the human body, like the Earth is about 70 per cent water, the Moon’s pull must surely be felt within our bodies too. It has been seen that the Moon does have an affect and further personal observations can
McKeown B A Fish Migration
Moon Phases, Astrology and the Earth

It is a fact that the moon moves the tides through its gravitational pull and also that women’s menstrual cycles are often in alignment with the moon. How else can lunar effects be seen on earth?
Observations throughout the ages have helped man live by the moon and recognise how the moon’s cycles effect the earth, lives and personality.
Moon and Tides
Perhaps the most noticeable effect the moon has on the earth is its gravitational pull which is responsible for the tides. The relationship between moon and tides was observed by the ancients and is lost in antiquity. It was observed that whenever tidal levels rose, the moon was visible and thus the relationship between the two because part of folklore.
When the moon, the earth and the sun are in line, Spring Tides are formed and very high tides or very low tides can be expected. When the moon, the earth and the sun are at right angles to each other, Neap Tides are formed. During these tides there is not a great deal of difference in the heights of the high and low tides.
Moon Calendar and Farming
In ancient times, man looked to the sun, moon and stars and recognised patterns in the cycles by which they would live by. Farmers had a planting calendar based on the phases of the moon and there would be different variations depending on geographical location. As this knowledge was passed on through the generations it evolved to cover different crops and more productive farming techniques were used.
Planting was the most important time for farmers as was harvest time. It was seen that different plants grew better when planted at different phases of the moon. Each of the moon’s phases seems to have a different influence on the way vegetation grows on earth through the rising and falling of moisture on the ground and in the plants.
Seeds germinate more quickly and effectively when sown with a moon waxing to full. The water content of plants is greater at a full moon.
Lunar Cycles, New Moon and Salmon
It has been found that there is a relationship between a surge of the hormone thyroxin in salmon, the new moon and the onset of downstream migration. Spawning migrations in fish occur only at night during March to August at the time of a full or new moon. Lunar spawning migrations have been reported in other fish species as well.
Moon and Menstruation
Menstruation takes its name from the moon and is often to be seen linked to the lunar cycle. Many woman find their periods tend to occur at a New Moon or Full Moon.
As the moon waxes and wanes throughout the month, so does the female cycle. She will experience different moods, desires and aspects of herself depending on where she is in the menstrual cycle. The light of the full moon stimulates ovulation. This is a good time for conception and also a time of increase sexual activity.
Moon and Psychology
Some conditions, especially depression, anxiety and behavioural problems have been associated with a full moon effect. C P Thakur and Dilip Sharma published an article in the British Medical Journal in 1984 suggesting that incidents of crime were far higher on full moon days, based on researching four years of police reports from three towns, one rural, one urban and one industrial. It was also found that poisonings were more likely on full moon days and crimes of all types rose by a significant amount.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Michael Jackson's Ghost on Video at Neverland

Thursday, 2 July 2009
Love Quotes to Suit Gemini Personality

Gemini is a mental lover in that they grasp the idea of love and constantly dream of new future romantic possibilities. They love to talk about love, write about love. Love inspires their mind as in the following quotations:
“The way to the heart is through the ears” ~ Katie Hurley
“Have a strong mind and a soft heart.” ~ Anthony J D’Angelo
“When we talk about understanding, surely it takes place only when the mind listens completely. … The mind being your heart, your nerves, your ears- when you give your whole attention to it.” ~ J Krishnamutri
“Not all those who know their minds know their hearts as well.” ~ Francois
“I love you - those three words have my life in them.” ~ Alexandrea to Nicholas III
Sometimes Geminis need to be reminded to stop talking and of the value of lasting love:
“A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.” ~ Ingrid Bergman
“True happiness and a fullness of joy can be found only in the tender and intimate relationships of the family. However earnestly we may seek success and happiness outside the home through work, leisure activities, or large bank accounts, we will never be fully satisfied emotionally until we develop deep and loving relationships.” ~ James J Jones Ph D “Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.” ~ H L Mencken
”I like not only to be loved, but to be told that I am loved. “ ~ George Elliot
“I laugh, I love, I hope, I try I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too, So we're really not that different, me and you.” ~ Colin Raye”The best feelings are those that Have no words to describe them.” ~ Michelle Hammersley
There is a youthful quality to the Gemini. They love to have fun; they enjoy flirting and have a flair for excitement and danger. These next quotes reflect this fun side of their nature:
“Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age.” ~ Jeanne Moreau
“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” ~ A A Milne
“How absurd and delicious it is to be in love with somebody younger than yourself. Everybody should try it.” ~ Barbara Pym
”Trip over love, you can get up. Fall in love and you fall forever.” ~ Anonymous
For the Gemini, variety is the spice of life. Their love affairs must be constantly revitalised in order for them never to grow bored, or their eyes will wander, as in these next quotations:
“Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat.” ~ Ben Hecht
“Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.” ~ Anonymous
Gemini is the sign of the twins; a sign of duality and these quotes convey this side of the Gemini:
“We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find.” ~ Anonymous“I sought for Love But Love ran away from me. I sought my Soul But my Soul I couldn't see. Then I sought You, And I found all three. ~ Anonymous
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
How Useful is Astrology? - How Does Astrology Work?
Whereas launching something new during a phase in life when circumstances might seem to conspire ‘for’ and not ‘against’ us is more likely to bring successful results more quickly.
Astrology helps people with their timing or at least gives them a chance to prepare for the challenges that may lie ahead. Astrology, tarot and any other form of divination should not however be used to make choices for us. Life experiences cannot and should not be avoided by retreating into any kind of belief system.
Horoscopes will show strengths and weaknesses, areas to work on, new possibilities ahead. An astrological analysis will help a person recognise their innate talents and understand themselves better. Compatibility between charts will help two people in a relationship to understand each other better. Astrology might help people weather the storms they are going through in their lives and give hope of what might lie on the other side.
Decisions should always be left to the individual and how will they know they’ve made the best choice until they’ve experienced the consequences of their actions? Astrological advice may or may not make some choices easier but at least it can help people understand what they are going through, what’s ending and what may be about to begin.