Thursday, 18 June 2009

What is Reiki? - Differences between Reiki and Spiritual Healing

Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is an ancient healing art which involves the laying-on of hands. It is a form of spiritual healing that helps to balance the energy within.

Reiki balances the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical energies. It should not be looked on as a substitute for traditional medical care; Reiki will help improve recovery by directing healing energy to where it is needed. Reiki helps to harmonise body, mind and spirit.

What is Reiki?

The word Reiki is derived from two Japanese words: rei meaning Universal Spirit and ki meaning life force energy. In Reiki, hands are the channels for energy (ki) guided by the Universal Spirit (Rei). Mystics of all cultures speak of the physical universe being made of an underlying form of energy which is subject to or affected by thought.

Reiki is a flexible, ever-evolving form of healing, relaxation and personal development. Practicing Reiki helps bring about harmony in the body, leading to a deep sense of relaxation. As well as having this wonderfully calming affect on the healee, the person giving a Reiki treatment also receives the healing effect of the Universal energy that flows through them.

This is said to be an intelligent energy in that it seems to know where to go for healing to take place and what is needed. It never does any harm. The energy does not come from the Reiki practitioner. The practitioner is a channel for the healing energy.

Some benefits of Reiki include:

pain relief
a balancing of physical/mental/emotional and spiritual energies
enhanced personal awareness; reiki increases inner peace and mental clarity/emotional stability
improved creativity
suppressed feelings are released
a reduction of stress and tension
aids positive thinking

Reiki can therefore be used for many reasons including reducing stress or tension, relieving pain, headaches, back problems, respiratory problems, PMT, menstrual problems and more. Reiki should be used to compliment traditional medicine and not as an alternative.

It is a gentle non-invasive method of healing. Through Reiki, practitioners can also develop personal and spiritual growth.

The Differences between Reiki and Spiritual Healing

Reiki draws on the Universal spirit to heal however there are differences between Reiki and other methods of healing such as spiritual healing. Through Reiki, energy is channelled by an attuned person to empower the healee to cure themselves. The healer acts as a channel for the energy normally without being drained themselves. A spiritual healer is a person said to be gifted in the powers of healing who will channel energy to bring about a cure. Spiritual healers believe themselves to be vulnerable to other influences/entities and to picking up problems from the person they’re working on when they open themselves to the energy. They take steps to protect themselves against this. Reiki attunement seems to protect and prevent Reiki practitioners from picking up any negative influences from the healee.

There are several different forms of Reiki. As knowledge is passed down from Master to student, students have developed and passed on their own understanding and individual methods. Even so the basic concept of channelling Universal energy is common to them all.

Different symbols are used in each Reiki practice. Some practitioners are trained in and use more than one form of Reiki. Each method has its place in healing.

Reiki is guided by the Universal Spirit/energy that sustains and balances all life on this planet. It is an intelligent energy of love and wholeness.

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