Friday, 19 June 2009

Horoscopes for the Summer - June, July and August Forecasts for all Star Signs

June, July and August Forecasts for all Star Signs

A brief look at what lies in store for the Star Signs for the Summer

Aries Summer Horoscope

There is a mood of progress in the air and you feel everything is going really well for you. A letter or parcel holds a big surprise.

Taurus Summer Horoscope

A summer spending spree could be fun especially if this involves an overnight stay or trip away. Short trips are especially enjoyable and there may be a degree of competition in romance.

Gemini Summer Horoscope

A friend’s making a number of social and travel plans. You’re invited. At first you might feel you've got too much to do, but you will be tempted. Why not follow your instincts? Duty can wait. June’s a great month to work on new projects. Watch spending in July.

Cancer Summer Horoscope

In June you might feel someone is trying to keep a secret from you. You could ask them directly. Or you could find more subtle ways to discover what's going on such as phoning up a few friends to ask what they may know. There’s a mood of progress in the air in July.

Leo Summer Horoscope

A summer romance will fill a little gap in your life if you’re single. Get yourself out and about and mix with others of the same age as yourself. In a group event, behind the scenes work will be surprisingly rewarding.

Virgo Summer Horoscope

You’ve been working hard to reach a special goal. The end is in sight. The financial rewards or a strong sense of achievement could be the main incentive.

Libra Summer Horoscope

The sun will be in your travel zone in June. If you aren’t travelling you soon will be. You need something to look forward to. In fact your itchy feet could take you to some interesting places.

Scorpio Summer Horoscope

You'd really regret it if you allowed someone to persuade you to enter a risky venture. Whether with regard to money or emotions, play it safe and keep everything honest and open.

Sagittarius Summer Horoscope

Summer sees the start of a satisfying trend in your relationships. If you’re single, a new romance could bring you future happiness. If attached, a close relationship takes on a new and more positive direction.

Capricorn Summer Horoscope

You’re working hard, perhaps because of a deadline or a need to keep in your boss’s good book. You might feel badly done to but news regarding a friend or associate’s love-life has the sobering influence of making you appreciate what you’ve got.

Aquarius Summer Horoscope

Responsibilities are increasing and the summer months ahead look to be busy and demanding for Aquarians. So, before taking on anything more, ask yourself whether you will have the time or energy. Or are you spreading yourself too thinly

Pisces Summer Horoscope

Decisions made within the family will have a far‑reaching effect. If new projects are instigated, be sure it is your best foot that you put forward. Don't look behind, think positive and look to the future. Developments

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