Monday, 29 June 2009

Aries and Pisces Love Compatibility
Analysis of Aries Pisces relationship and how compatible Aries and Pisces are as friends and lovers from an Aries point of view.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Love Quotations for Taureans - Love Quotes to Suit the Taurus Personality

Here’s a collection of hand picked quotes that might be used for cards, gifts and sending messages to a Taurean.

Love Quotations for Taurus Friends and Lovers

Taurus has a practical and direct approach to love. They dream of lasting love and to love another person is to love them with their heart and soul.

Taurus is a passionate sign. They are serious about their relationships. They are amiable and friendly and warm and giving in romance.

Taurus is a stable earth sign and the following quotes reflect that side of their nature:

“Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love.” ~ Erich Fromm
“Love is not enough. It must be the foundation, the cornerstone - but not the complete structure. It is much too pliable, too yielding.” ~ Bette Davis
“Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.’” ~ Erich Fromm

Love Quotations for the Taurus

There is something determined about the Taurus in their pursuit of romance; they will be dedicated to their one-true-love.

These quotations reflect the more persistent side of the Taurus nature:
“Love was always the goal, and my point every step of the way was that nothing is wrong with love, no matter what flavor it comes in.” ~ Ani Difranco
“To fall in love is easy, even to remain in it is not difficult; our human loneliness is cause enough. But is a hard quest worth making to find a comrade through whose steady presence one becomes steadily the person one desires to be.” ~ Anna Strong
“To fall in love is easy, even to remain in it is not difficult; our human loneliness is cause enough. But it is a hard quest worth making to find a comrade through whose steady presence one becomes steadily the person one desires to be.” ~ Anna Louise Strong

Taurus longs for romance of a secure and long-term nature. They tend to shy away from risks but they will give themselves completely to their Ms or Mr Right. Ruled by Venus, Taureans can have quite an impact on the lives of those they join up with. These quotations echo this Taurus trait:

“There are no guarantees. From the viewpoint of fear, None are strong enough. From the viewpoint of love, None are necessary.” ~ Anonymous
“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never ever the same.” ~ Flavia Weedn
There is a possessive side to the Taurus. They are generous, loving and giving but they sometimes treat their partner like he or she was a possession. Here are some quotations to go with the strong Taurus affectionate and kindly nature:

“You can give without loving, But you cannot love without giving.” ~ Amy Carmichael“Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away.” ~ Elbert Hubbard

There is a natural, earthy quality to the Taurus and the following quotation is something they should be encouraged to think about and strive towards:

“Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination.” ~ Voltaire

Love Quotations for Arians - Love Quotes to Suit Aries Personality

Here’s a collection of hand picked quotes that might be used for cards, gifts and sending messages to an Arian.

Love Quotes for Aries

Aries is a passionate, restless and intense sign. Their emotions skim along the surface; Aries is capable of great passion but it can quickly evaporate.

When Aries sets the romantic sights on someone, they will be single-minded in their pursuit of attaining that goal. Whether the affair lasts is another matter because Arians can get bored very quickly.

Aries is a passionate fire sign and the following quotes reflect that side of their nature:

“Love is an exploding cigar we willingly smoke.” ~ Lynda Barry
“The couple that fights the most is the one most in love... it shows they care enough to notice the other one screwed up and care enough to mention it to the person so they can fix it. When you stop fighting it means you stopped caring.” ~ Shawna Waltemyer
“Love is a burning desire, That makes your heart light on fire, Love is being with you, Someone saying I love you too, Love is your tender kiss, Something you don't want to miss, Love is you and me, And that is all I see.” ~ Anonymous
“But true love is a durable fire, In the mind ever burning, Never sick, never old, never dead, From itself never turning.” ~ Sir Walter Raleigh Romantic Quotations Reflecting Aries Relationships

Love Quotations for Arians

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac loves new beginnings and will find the start of any relationship, the most exciting and thrilling part. Even so, when variety is introduced into romance, it can be lasting.

The following quotes reflect Arian’s love of the new and novel:

”We are all born for love. … It is the principle existence and it's only end.” ~ Disraeli

“Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.” ~ Bruce Lee

“The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.” ~ Maulana Jalalu’ddin Rumi

Love Quotes and Sayings for Aries Friends and Lovers

The Arian’s love nature can be demanding, impetuous, exciting and always giving. The following quotations reflect this more competitive side of the Aries nature:

“Love doesn't make the world go round, Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” ~ Elizabeth Browning

“Love is a game that two can play and both win.” ~ Eva Gabor

Arians need to love and to be loved. Using the above examples you might want to choose your own quotations and sayings to reflect your Arian’s personality. Send them a love quote every day to keep them interested and to remind Aries that you’re thinking about them.

Knowles, E. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. OUP Oxford 2004
Andrews, R. The New Penguin Dictionary of Quotations. London: Penguin 2006

Friday, 19 June 2009

Horoscopes for the Summer - June, July and August Forecasts for all Star Signs

June, July and August Forecasts for all Star Signs

A brief look at what lies in store for the Star Signs for the Summer

Aries Summer Horoscope

There is a mood of progress in the air and you feel everything is going really well for you. A letter or parcel holds a big surprise.

Taurus Summer Horoscope

A summer spending spree could be fun especially if this involves an overnight stay or trip away. Short trips are especially enjoyable and there may be a degree of competition in romance.

Gemini Summer Horoscope

A friend’s making a number of social and travel plans. You’re invited. At first you might feel you've got too much to do, but you will be tempted. Why not follow your instincts? Duty can wait. June’s a great month to work on new projects. Watch spending in July.

Cancer Summer Horoscope

In June you might feel someone is trying to keep a secret from you. You could ask them directly. Or you could find more subtle ways to discover what's going on such as phoning up a few friends to ask what they may know. There’s a mood of progress in the air in July.

Leo Summer Horoscope

A summer romance will fill a little gap in your life if you’re single. Get yourself out and about and mix with others of the same age as yourself. In a group event, behind the scenes work will be surprisingly rewarding.

Virgo Summer Horoscope

You’ve been working hard to reach a special goal. The end is in sight. The financial rewards or a strong sense of achievement could be the main incentive.

Libra Summer Horoscope

The sun will be in your travel zone in June. If you aren’t travelling you soon will be. You need something to look forward to. In fact your itchy feet could take you to some interesting places.

Scorpio Summer Horoscope

You'd really regret it if you allowed someone to persuade you to enter a risky venture. Whether with regard to money or emotions, play it safe and keep everything honest and open.

Sagittarius Summer Horoscope

Summer sees the start of a satisfying trend in your relationships. If you’re single, a new romance could bring you future happiness. If attached, a close relationship takes on a new and more positive direction.

Capricorn Summer Horoscope

You’re working hard, perhaps because of a deadline or a need to keep in your boss’s good book. You might feel badly done to but news regarding a friend or associate’s love-life has the sobering influence of making you appreciate what you’ve got.

Aquarius Summer Horoscope

Responsibilities are increasing and the summer months ahead look to be busy and demanding for Aquarians. So, before taking on anything more, ask yourself whether you will have the time or energy. Or are you spreading yourself too thinly

Pisces Summer Horoscope

Decisions made within the family will have a far‑reaching effect. If new projects are instigated, be sure it is your best foot that you put forward. Don't look behind, think positive and look to the future. Developments

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Babies Names and Astrology - Choosing a Name for Gemini Babies

In combining astrology and the theory that names reflect personality and development, how might parents choose a name for a Gemini baby?

Gemini Baby Names

Going with the premise that a name can be crucial in influencing a child’s character and life pattern, a name that “balances” the traits of his or her sun sign is likely to enhance their positive side and create beneficial energy around them.

If a baby is due between 22 May and 21 June h/she is likely to be a Gemini. The Gemini’s general character traits are: lively, vivacious, always on-the-go, fast talking, sociable, communicative, friendly, intellectual and versatile. Geminis can also be a day-dreamer, impatient, restless and overly spontaneous.

Names chosen for this baby may be selected to enhance his/her positive qualities or balance the less attractive side of their Gemini nature.

Boys Names for Gemini

Names to Boost his Lively, Assertive and Intellectual Qualities:
Albert, Calder, Bertrand, Huey, Kayne, Buck, Charlie, Dayton, Hubert, Rupert, Robin,

Names to Balance Spontaneity and Impulsiveness with Caution
Coolidge, Doug, Marshall, Andre, Keene, Aldan

Names to Boost his Air Qualities of Mental Energy, Spirit and Imagination
Jack, Daniel, Felix, Noah, Micah, Keiran, Herbert, Robert, Zaccheus,

Names to Balance his Air (Woolgathering) traits with Earth (Practical) Traits
Casey, Dempster, Andy, Adrian, Damian, Damon, Benedict, Hayden, Vaugn, Aldan, Alvis, Darian, Reginald,

Names to Balance his Impatient Traits with Endurance
Ace, Aaron, Jacob, Jason, Bernard, Fortney, William, Wilmot, Ethan, Clinton, Mortimer, Archibald, Bernard, Conrad, Ruben

Girls Names for Gemini

Names to Boost her Lively, Assertive and Intellectual Qualities:
Kamryn, Bertina, Briona, Ayisha, Allecra, Kellyanne, Gayle, Keelyn, Kel, Charlotte, Jessica, Anya, Chandra, Charmaine, Bernadette, Bertha, Roberta, Kelly, Robyn

Names to Balance Spontaneity and Impulsiveness with Caution
Prudence, Kacey, Ada, Ann, Davinia, Eileen, Eve, Connie, Konstanza, Brooke, Darrius

Names to Boost her Air Qualities of Mental Energy, Spirit and Imagination
Danielle, Ella, Anthea, Angel, Angela, Evelyn, Felicity, Faye, Emma, Celia, Christabel, JalenaShirley, Abby

Names to Balance her Air (Woolgathering) traits with Earth (Practical) Traits
Chloe, Amelie, Gertrude, Leandre, Madison, Constance, Bethany, Cherish, Sophronia

Names to Balance her Impatient Traits with Endurance
Adeline, Jennifer, Hannah, Aurelia, Shannen, Peta

All names are believed, by some, to have meaning are to have once had a meaning that is now forgotten. In considering the meanings of names alongside the character traits of a child’s Star Sign, a name can be chosen to enhance or balance certain character traits.


Johnson, Charles, Sleigh L. Names For Boys and Girls. Pan 1973.

What is Reiki? - Differences between Reiki and Spiritual Healing

Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is an ancient healing art which involves the laying-on of hands. It is a form of spiritual healing that helps to balance the energy within.

Reiki balances the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical energies. It should not be looked on as a substitute for traditional medical care; Reiki will help improve recovery by directing healing energy to where it is needed. Reiki helps to harmonise body, mind and spirit.

What is Reiki?

The word Reiki is derived from two Japanese words: rei meaning Universal Spirit and ki meaning life force energy. In Reiki, hands are the channels for energy (ki) guided by the Universal Spirit (Rei). Mystics of all cultures speak of the physical universe being made of an underlying form of energy which is subject to or affected by thought.

Reiki is a flexible, ever-evolving form of healing, relaxation and personal development. Practicing Reiki helps bring about harmony in the body, leading to a deep sense of relaxation. As well as having this wonderfully calming affect on the healee, the person giving a Reiki treatment also receives the healing effect of the Universal energy that flows through them.

This is said to be an intelligent energy in that it seems to know where to go for healing to take place and what is needed. It never does any harm. The energy does not come from the Reiki practitioner. The practitioner is a channel for the healing energy.

Some benefits of Reiki include:

pain relief
a balancing of physical/mental/emotional and spiritual energies
enhanced personal awareness; reiki increases inner peace and mental clarity/emotional stability
improved creativity
suppressed feelings are released
a reduction of stress and tension
aids positive thinking

Reiki can therefore be used for many reasons including reducing stress or tension, relieving pain, headaches, back problems, respiratory problems, PMT, menstrual problems and more. Reiki should be used to compliment traditional medicine and not as an alternative.

It is a gentle non-invasive method of healing. Through Reiki, practitioners can also develop personal and spiritual growth.

The Differences between Reiki and Spiritual Healing

Reiki draws on the Universal spirit to heal however there are differences between Reiki and other methods of healing such as spiritual healing. Through Reiki, energy is channelled by an attuned person to empower the healee to cure themselves. The healer acts as a channel for the energy normally without being drained themselves. A spiritual healer is a person said to be gifted in the powers of healing who will channel energy to bring about a cure. Spiritual healers believe themselves to be vulnerable to other influences/entities and to picking up problems from the person they’re working on when they open themselves to the energy. They take steps to protect themselves against this. Reiki attunement seems to protect and prevent Reiki practitioners from picking up any negative influences from the healee.

There are several different forms of Reiki. As knowledge is passed down from Master to student, students have developed and passed on their own understanding and individual methods. Even so the basic concept of channelling Universal energy is common to them all.

Different symbols are used in each Reiki practice. Some practitioners are trained in and use more than one form of Reiki. Each method has its place in healing.

Reiki is guided by the Universal Spirit/energy that sustains and balances all life on this planet. It is an intelligent energy of love and wholeness.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Dream Interpretation

Interpreting Dreams helps Provide a Deeper Understanding of Self

Dreams represent important issues in the dreamer’s life at the time of the dream. Understanding these can be insightful.

Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation is nothing new. The Ancient Greeks and the Ancient Egyptians made prophesies based on dreams and an entire Australian aboriginal mythology is founded on the supposed dream time of their gods and ancestors. Throughout history, important writers have placed emphasis on dreams and their meanings and many references to dream interpretations can be found in the Bible.

Dreaming is a natural part of human experience, a different state of consciousness in which remembered images and fantasies are temporarily confused with reality. One of the most curious things about dreams is the way they always seem so vivid to the dreamer, yet when related to others, the impact is often lost.

Why do We Dream?

Why do we dream? No one knows for certain, but psychological studies have shown that we have a need for dream-sleep and people deprived of this have experienced weird side-effects, such as hallucinations. Furthermore, when allowed to catch up on sleep, the same people will spend more time dreaming, as if to catch up on the dreams they have lost. This would suggest that dreaming is an important part of our lives

So how can dream interpretation help? Problems and deep-seated anxieties can be resolved by studying the symbolism contained in dreams; dreams provide material for processing, which in turn can help the dreamer to face up to problems and overcome them. Dreams have a therapeutic quality. One of their main functions is to reveal the dreamer's failings, disappointments or unfulfilled needs and skilful dream interpretation can often provide guidance in coping with these hidden desires.

Symbols in Dreams

In dreams, imagery tends to be symbolic, representing incidents, present problems and events that are yet to take place. Scenes, people and objects may not necessarily represent themselves. So, how can people interpret the dreams they remember? Nowadays it’s easy to get hold of dream-manuals which give a basic definition of the meaning of each symbolic object or event that occurred in a dream. This is a fun method of dream interpretation and not wholly reliable for the individual dreamer.

Dreams are intensely personal and though two people may have the same dream, its meaning will be different in each case. For instance two women may dream of cats. If the first is a cat-lover, this could mean (as a brief example) that she will adopt a stray or that she should pay attention to the health of her own cat. The second woman, however, is allergic to animal fur and in her case, her cat dream could mean that something has happened or is about to happen which will cause her stress or annoyance.

Imagery and Symbolism in Dreams

Understanding the complex symbolism within dreams takes research, time and experimentation. Images in dreams create different reactions in different dreamers and symbols don’t necessarily mean the same thing to everyone. Discovering how to interpret dreams meaningfully can help people understand themselves better, reduce stress levels and some who are able to tap into this incredible world of the subconscious can even develop the ability to control their dreams.


Thurston, Mark How to interpret Dreams Are Press (1989)
Jung, C.G. Memories, Dreams,Reflections Fontana Press (1995)

Types of Dreams - Lucid Dreams and Nightmares


Most people have experienced nightmares at some point in their lives. Although unpleasant, it is thought that these bad dreams can have a beneficial effect, in that they help us to come to terms with trauma or inner stress. Sometimes nightmares are an indication of an area of a person’s mind that terrifies them so much they dare not bring it out into the open. However, careful, patient and successive analysis of nightmares can sometimes reveal enough about worries and past traumas to enable the dreamer to deal with these problems in a rational manner. Often, as each terrible thought or memory is confronted in waking life, healing takes place and the bad dreams fade away.

Lucid Dreams

These are dreams in which the dreamer knows that he or she is dreaming. There has been extensive study into lucid dreams and it has been found that people can signal to the outside world when they know they are dreaming. In such cases the dreamer often has the advantage of being able to wake him or herself up if the dream becomes unpleasant or allowing the dream to continue if it is enjoyable. Many people report being able to control and manipulate their dreams thus ensuring that the outcome is always satisfactory.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Superstition and their Origins - Examples of Superstitions and How they May Have Originated

Although many superstitions originated centuries ago as early forms of magic, many still exist today. What forms the basis of some superstitions and how powerful are they?

How powerful are superstitions? David Phillips, a sociologist at the University of California tested the power of the ancient Chinese superstition that links the number 4 to death. It was found, after examining more than 47 million computerised death certificates that there were 13 per cent more deaths caused by heart attack than expected on the fourth of the month for Japanese and Chinese Americans.

David Phillips published the results of an extensive study of the effect of superstitions on the life of those who believed them in 2002 and stated that superstitions can raise stress and anxiety levels.

The scientists who conducted this study found that if superstitions are hard-wired into the human brain, regardless of education level or ethnicity, they do have an affect on people. It is, in effect, unlucky to be superstitious!

Some of the more prevalent superstitions alive in Western culture today include ‘touching wood’ to keep the good luck flowing, expecting seven years bad luck after breaking a mirror and it being bad luck for a black cat to cross your path.

What other superstitions still survive and how might they have originated?

Origins of the Superstition “Touching Wood”

There are several theories as to the origin of this superstition. It was thought that knocking on wood was a superstitious action to ward off evil throughout history both through Pagan and Christian times. Some believed that touching a wooden crucifix was a form of praying for good luck.

According to an ancient Celtic belief, trees can conduct evil spirits and some would knock on wood to thank mythical creatures for bestowing good luck on them.

Origins of Superstition “Expect Bad Luck if a Black Cat Crosses Your Path”

Some believe this superstition dates back to the days of Charles I of England who owned a black cat. He was fiercely protective of his cat until one day it fell ill and died. Charles I was heard to proclaim “Alas my luck is gone” and the next day he was arrested and charged with treason.

Contradictions of Superstition Regarding Black Cat

In some parts, it is believed to be a sign of good luck if a black cat crosses your path. In Yorkshire for instance, a black cat was said to bring the fisherman home safely from the seas. In parts of Europe if a black cat walks into your home you are considered to be blessed.

The origin of black cat and good luck may have begun in Egypt. Oagans-Bast was a sacred black cat god of the monotheistic belief system. His people courted and offered favours by acquiring black cats into their households in the belief that somehow the spirit of their god might enter the body of the black cat, therefore blessing them with prosperity.

Origins of Superstition “Breaking a Mirror Brings Seven Years Bad luck

The superstition regarding breaking mirrors bringing seven years bad luck goes back to ancient Rome. The Romans were the first to create glass mirrors and along with other cultures, they believed the mirror had the power to confiscate a part of the user’s soul. If a person’s reflected image became distorted in any way this could mean a corruption in his or her soul.

Origins of Finding a Penny and Picking it Up for Luck

It was once believed that metal was a gift from the Gods, given to man as protection against evil. All forms of metal brought good luck and this is one reason too, why horseshoes are sometimes hung over people’s doorways or charm bracelets are worn. Finding a penny is finding a good luck coin. There’s an old saying “Wrap a penny in paper and keep it to avoid your debtors,” and this is another that metal was thought to bring wealth.

Origins of Superstition that Putting an Umbrella up Indoors is Bad Luck

In ancient cultures, the umbrella represented royalty and power. African royalty for instance first used umbrellas to shield themselves from the hot rays of the sun. To open one in the shade was an insult to the Sun God. The superstition about it being bad luck to open an umbrella indoors may have originated because people saw it as an act that insulted the spirits of the household by implying their protection was inadequate.

Despite modern life, superstitions can still have a powerful affect on people and there are many who will avoid crossing people on stairs, walking under ladders breaking mirrors and many who will still carry a good luck charm.

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Celtic Tree Astrology

The Celts were an ancient Indo-European people whose culture spread rapidly across Europe from the British Isle and Northern Spain to the Black Sea coasts and Galatia (modern Turkey).

These were courageous, quite fierce people and yet also known for their fine arts, music, poetry and philosophy. They were fond of feasting and celebration and were also highly ritualistic and religious. They regarded their laws and spiritual disciplines as sacred and these were passed down orally by the Druid priests.
Druid Trees and Celtic Astrology

The Druids were well schooled in magic, astronomy and astrology. They were in tune with the magical powers of plants and animals. The Oak tree was sacred to the Celts and often they conducted their religious rituals in oak groves.

The ancient Celtic Tree Calendar assigns certain trees to people depending on the date they were born. The Celts believed that the human race originally descended from trees and the mystical qualities of each tree where shared with those born at certain times of the year.