Saturday, 28 March 2009

More than Just a Sun Sign

Dear Carole,

My sister, born on 27 August 1939 is of the sign Virgo and she has always been a true Virgo type. My husband, born on 15 September 1930 is also a Virgo but he seems to be a total opposite to my sister in habits and character. Any explanations? JF

Although in popular books and magazines a lot of emphasis is placed on a person’s sun sign, in real astrology the sun sign forms only a small part of the person’s personality. Astrologers will always take into consideration other important factors such as the Rising Sign, the placement of all the planets in a birth chart and their relationships to each other.

I cannot calculate your sister’s rising sign as you did not give the time of her birth. However as well as having the sun in Virgo she also has Mercury and Neptune in Virgo. There is a strong earth influence in her chart in that she has five planets in the signs Virgo or Taurus. I would say then that she would be very true to the Virgo personality.

Your husband has a strong Water influence in his chart which suggests high levels of emotion. Also with the Moon in Gemini and Mercury in Libra there will be a degree of changeably restlessness and even indecisiveness which would not normally be associated with those born under the sign Virgo. Your husband’s chart shows him to be more extrovert in nature, your sister more introvert.

Remember, astrology is more than just a sun sign.

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