Saturday, 28 March 2009

Dream Analysis

In my dream, I was standing on a cliff I recently visited. that used to be a favourite place in my childhood. Looking down, there is a coastal scene below. I could see a trawler sailing into a tiny port. I began to fly a kite and watched as it soared high into the cloudless sky. Aaron.

This dream describes a scene that actually exists and is therefore something that is real in the dreamer’s life that might be symbolic of what he is currently going through. Cliffs for instance can sometimes represent obstacles which have to be overcome. In this dream, Aaron has already reached the summit and this suggests immediate difficulties have been surmounted.

The scene is peaceful and tranquil. Aaron’s life is likely to be following familiar patterns without disruption. In most areas he feels at ease (cloudless sky). The kite symbolises rising dreams and hopes and these are likely to be proceeding with few obstacles.

The trawler may hint the possibility of Aaron having to delegate some of his responsibilities in the future in order to achieve his ambitions.

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