Monday, 30 March 2009

Dream Clinic: Holiday Romance

The Dream:

I have just returned from a holiday in Majorca where I met a really nice boy. Recently I dreamed that a friend and I were in a dark crowded place. She went to buy an ice-cream. As she left, someone began to tell me about Juan's mother and what they said wasn’t nice. Next they said that Juan has probably already forgotten me. My friend returned carrying a pinky red coloured lolly. The ice was shaped as spheres. By then, I was trying to hold back the tears and I woke up. Ever since I've been back, my family have been telling me to get over him. I want to go back to Marjoca next year but my friends are considering going somewhere else. Should I return to Majorca. I also took a tarot reading and got: the tower, an upside down Emperor and the Moon. I can't stop thinking about Juan and the time we had together. I'm so confused, can you help me? L.P., Kent

The Analysis:

The darkness of the place reflects emotional upset and possibly someone having something to hide. Spheres, like circles, may represent the opportunities in your life that are still ahead of you. These have appeared in the form of ice-cream, something solid, which takes time to melt. This could represent the loyalty of your family and friends which cannot be destroyed (melted) even though you're currently at odds with one another. The pinky-red sphere-shaped lolly is rather like a big 'Stop' sign. This is a testing time in your life. You must try to escape that darkness and come out into the light, as that's where new opportunities lie. Your cards too, seem to represent the confusion you are going through. The experience has changed you and you won't forget it. However, your dream seems to be telling you that you must also make the most of what is already around you. Don't spend too long preying on the past.

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Your Pet's Horoscope

Like people, animals too have the star signs and this can say a lot about your pet’s character. Here’s a basic description of the different personalities of cats and dogs depending on their date of birth.

Aries (Mar21-Apr20)

Aries is an energetic fire sign. The Aries cat will be independent with an air of authority. Aries dogs have high energy levels and will require regular exercise including long walks.

Taurus (Apr21-May21)

Taurus cats and dogs like routine and stability. They get nervous when introduced to change. They will be faithful to their family. The Taurus dog will have moments when they might enjoy exercising all day long then other times a short walk or ball games in the garden seem to suffice.

Gemini (May22-June21)

The Gemini cat or dog will be lively and high-spirited. Always curious about what’s going on around them and generally friendly with visitors. This pet will be active and affectionate; they like to be heard and will have their own way of communicating their needs until they get attention.

Cancer (June22-July23)

Your Cancer cat or dog will be incredibly sensitive to your moods and feelings; it’s as if they can read your thoughts. These pets will bond closely with their family and will be most happy when spending time within the family circle. Cancer dogs should be good with children and other pets.

Leo (July24-Aug23)

Faithful and loyal is the Leo pet with an instinctive desire to be the boss! They love affection and attention and will demand that everyone notices them. The Leo cat is proud and sometimes has a haughty air. The Leo dog is playful and cuddly, loving active play. Both Leo cats and dogs are strong-willed.

Virgo (Aug24-Sept23)

Protective of their owners, the Virgo will be attentive and watchful. A good watch dog, this pet will sound the alert whenever they sense the need. Both cats and dogs will be clean and easy to train. Socialization should be started early as these pets are slightly introvert in nature.

Libra (Sept24-Oct23)

The Libran cat or dog loves company. They aren’t pets to be left alone for long periods. They are friendly and affectionate with a strong desire to please their owners. They can be incredibly fussy and will enjoy being pampered and indulged. A tendency towards laziness should be curbed with regular daily walks.

Scorpio (Oct24-Nov22)

The Scorpio dog has a strong personality and needs a confident owner or they may try to dominate. It might seem as if the Scorpio cat or dog has a mind of their own. Even so they are sensitive to their owner’s feelings and will develop an incredibly strong bond with their human companions.

Sagittarius (Nov23-Dec21)

The Sagittarius cat and dog will have an abundance of energy and will seem to be constantly active. They love wide open spaces and might happily run off and forget to come back until they’re ready. This is why training should be firm and consistent from an early age.

Capricorn (Dec22-Jan20)

The Capricorn dog is likely to be wary of strangers. They will be very protective and will tend to prefer certain people to others. Capricorn pets enjoy having a job to do as this makes them feel important; they will be good watch dogs.

Aquarius (Jan21-Feb19)

Generally undemanding and good natured, the Aquarius cat and dog will be friendly to all. The Aquarius dog may struggle during obedience classes as they rebel against too strict rules and demands. These intelligent pets make wonderful companions.

Pisces (Feb20-Mar20)

The Pisces cat or dog will love affection and attention and will be happy to be groomed every day. There’s a secretive trait to their nature, dogs will happily dig and hide their biscuits and toys, cats might also tend to have their favourite hiding places about the house. These pets can be quite lazy and may have to be encouraged to enjoy exercise especially when the weather is wet or cold.

Saturday, 28 March 2009

More than Just a Sun Sign

Dear Carole,

My sister, born on 27 August 1939 is of the sign Virgo and she has always been a true Virgo type. My husband, born on 15 September 1930 is also a Virgo but he seems to be a total opposite to my sister in habits and character. Any explanations? JF

Although in popular books and magazines a lot of emphasis is placed on a person’s sun sign, in real astrology the sun sign forms only a small part of the person’s personality. Astrologers will always take into consideration other important factors such as the Rising Sign, the placement of all the planets in a birth chart and their relationships to each other.

I cannot calculate your sister’s rising sign as you did not give the time of her birth. However as well as having the sun in Virgo she also has Mercury and Neptune in Virgo. There is a strong earth influence in her chart in that she has five planets in the signs Virgo or Taurus. I would say then that she would be very true to the Virgo personality.

Your husband has a strong Water influence in his chart which suggests high levels of emotion. Also with the Moon in Gemini and Mercury in Libra there will be a degree of changeably restlessness and even indecisiveness which would not normally be associated with those born under the sign Virgo. Your husband’s chart shows him to be more extrovert in nature, your sister more introvert.

Remember, astrology is more than just a sun sign.

Psychic Attack

Dear Carole

I have recently married a man my mother seems to hate. She believes in the occult and has been looking into ways that witches cast spells. Since our wedding, my husband and my two children have all had various illnesses, my son has had problems at school and our car is always breaking down. Has my mother placed some sort of curse on us? If so, how can we get rid of it. DC

The kind of psychic attack you seem to feel you are subject to is what primitive societies used to call the Evil Eye. I’ll tell you something about this but also, it’s important for you to try and get things into perspective. You haven’t said how long you’ve been married, but major life changes can be traumatic in many ways and it could be that you’re just going through a difficult time.

To combat a psychic attack you must ensure these negative thoughts don’t prey on your mind, otherwise things will just seem to get worse. Knowing where the attack is coming from does help in that you can concentrate your own defences against it. Also why don’t you start wearing a talisman or a piece of jewellery that you feel is lucky. Perhaps your zodiac sign or a gem related to the month you were born? The symbol for the Moon is also good for improving psychic powers.

Then each night before you go to sleep, form a mental shield around your family. To do this, imagine you have been surrounded by a bright white or blue light. Hold this impression in your mind as long as you can. By doing this you will block any psychic assault, no matter where it might be coming from. Finally and most importantly talk to your mother and try your utmost to dispel the bad feeling that has developed between you since your marriage. I’m sure that your mother loves you dearly and in her heart wishes only the best for you and your children.

Dream Analysis

In my dream, I was standing on a cliff I recently visited. that used to be a favourite place in my childhood. Looking down, there is a coastal scene below. I could see a trawler sailing into a tiny port. I began to fly a kite and watched as it soared high into the cloudless sky. Aaron.

This dream describes a scene that actually exists and is therefore something that is real in the dreamer’s life that might be symbolic of what he is currently going through. Cliffs for instance can sometimes represent obstacles which have to be overcome. In this dream, Aaron has already reached the summit and this suggests immediate difficulties have been surmounted.

The scene is peaceful and tranquil. Aaron’s life is likely to be following familiar patterns without disruption. In most areas he feels at ease (cloudless sky). The kite symbolises rising dreams and hopes and these are likely to be proceeding with few obstacles.

The trawler may hint the possibility of Aaron having to delegate some of his responsibilities in the future in order to achieve his ambitions.

Are You Psychic

Who is psychic? Are some people more psychic than others, or could it be that some people are just more regularly in tune with their spiritual side? Have you had a psychic experience? No? Maybe you have without having realised it. Maybe you’ve experienced a feeling of déjà vu? Or you’ve known who was on the other end of the phone the moment it started to ring. You may have recently contacted a friend to be told they were just about to get in touch with you.

Psychic ability involves being able to sense what cannot always be seen with your physical eye or heard through your ears. It involves tuning into your inner voice and trusting your intuition. Some people are more aware of their sixth sense than others but this is an awareness that can be developed. Psychics and mediums are able to tap into their psychic ability to help others with their gifts.

One of the key necessities for tuning into your psychic abilities is switching off the mind and learning how to relax. If you don’t spend much time alone and there’s not much quiet in your life, it won’t be easy to tap into your inner resources. Before starting on an psychic work you need to learn how to become completely relaxed so you can shut your mind off sights and sounds around you. Meditation exercises will help.

A mother will often intuitively feel in tune with her children. Everyone has a degree of intuition: that small voice inside that might make you take one route home instead of another to discover later there was an accident on your normal route. Intuition is a guide through life helping people instinctively choose the right path when they need it if they just learn how to trust their instincts. You might get in touch with your intuition by paying more attention to your inner voice.

Practice is necessary for anyone who wants to develop their psychic abilities. There are a variety of books on the subject that might help you choose the technique that works best for you. There are also many excellent websites and online communities that will help with psychic development.