Saturday, 1 August 2009

Aries Rat Personality Profile - Sun Sign and Moon Sign Combined

A brief analysis of Aries people born in the years 1924/36/48/60/72/84/96
combining Western and Chinese astrology.

People born between the 21st March and 20th April in the above years are Aries Rats when combining sun signs with moon signs.

Aries is a Fire sign and the Rat is ruled by the Water element, making this personality a mix of Fire and Water.

Aries is an impulsive and lively sign. They charge their way through life often without thinking about the consequences, loving a challenge, seeking adventure. Rats are immensely charming. They have likeable natures and are popular among their peers.

The Aries side of their personality will help keep the more reserved Rat side, confident and sure of themselves. This person will be happy, generally optimistic and sociable in nature.

The Rat has a sensitive side, cherishing their loved-ones, enjoying their friendships and appreciating family relationships. Aries too is an outgoing sign and Arians enjoy their friendships but can sometimes get a little self-centred when working towards a certain goal. Arians might tend to forget other people have needs too although they would never deliberately hurt.

The Rat side of the Arian personality will help weave a deeper sense of empathy; this person will show concern of others and is more likely too, to have a close circle of friends.

The Aries/Rat will enjoy a good gossip and in this respect, they might tend to say things without thinking, the impulsive Aries side rushing in before the Rat side has a chance to censor. They might also be a little critical of others, interfering in places where not always they are welcome.

In business the Aries/Rat is likely to make a success of whatever they choose to do. Aries strives to be the first and is incredibly ambitions. The Rat too wants to achieve. Both Aries and Rat can over extend themselves and in this respect may fail to finish what they start. Perseverance is something which must be consciously developed in order for this person to truly achieve.

As a lover, the Aries/Rat will be exciting and adventurous with a hearty sexual appetite. They will be imaginative and romantic but there could be a degree of self-indulgence in their desire to please their partner. It might sometimes seem as if they put their self first and will actively seek to support their mate in their interests, if it suits them!

The Aries/Rat will have confidence galore; they will jump at new opportunities and will want to make the best of themselves. They will be quite clever at getting information from other people and will have few misgivings about acting on what they have learned.
Vivacious, energetic and courageous, the Aries/Rat is likely to live an interesting and varied lifestyle


  1. wow this is - even the bad parts - pretty dang right on with me...
    april 4th 1984

  2. this is amazing

  3. April 5th 1984

  4. This is so true it's scary!
    April 13, 1996

  5. April 9, 1972... I guess you tend to change and improve as you grow older and as you experience more challenges in life. But you can say that when I was younger... this is so accurate.
