Monday, 13 December 2010

Worst Gifts for Zodiac Signs

Supposing someone decides to treat a friend or lover but gets it terribly wrong, what's the worst surprise gift each sign might possibly receive?

For Aries, chocolates, toiletries and gifts with no imagination will be a huge disappointment. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac; they like to be the first to own their possessions. So don't give them anything that's second-hand or used. What's an Aries going to do with anything antique or old? Gift wrapping should be bright and fresh. They won't be impressed by anything that's crinkled or tattered!

Unwanted Gifts for Taurus and Gemini

Gifts have to feel good and smell good for a Taurus. They'd just hate to receive anything whether it's jewellery, perfume or wine that's cheap or tasteless. Taureans do have their lazy moments but that doesn't mean they'll appreciate exercise equipment. In fact some Taureans might wonder if this is a hint that they're overweight. Anything too ostentatious will scare the Gemini who prefers gifts that are light-hearted and fun. Despite liking to receive things in pairs, socks just aren't imaginative enough unless there's something cute and unique about them!

Unwanted Gifts for Cancers and Leos

Cancerians love their home but a gift of pots or pans or a bag of groceries would be taking it a bit too far! On the other end of the scale, Cancerians aren't too keen on weird and wacky items. They'd much prefer something "sensible and useful" that lies inbetween!

The worst gift a Leo could receive is something that appeals to the giver but not to them. Leos hate anything tacky. Whatever they've got, it has to be quality. They should be consulted first if thinking about buying a Leo items of clothing; they have very particular tastes.

Unwanted Gifts for Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius

Too much fur, feather, glitter or sparkle would irritate the prudent Virgo and don't buy accessories that won't match anything Libra wears. They're most particular about their clothing. Librans will hate anything really loud and anything that might hurt other people such as toys or gadgets that involve projectiles. Power tools aren't really their thing either.

Jokey items do nothing for the serious Scorpio and what's a lively Sagittarius going to do with a recipe book? They've too busy a lifestyle to spend any time in the kitchen. It's unlikely Sagittarius will be pleased with kitchen items or a vacuum cleaner either! Unwanted Gifts for Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces Capricorns will abhor flashing pens and ornaments; comic gifts will also leave them cold. Now even if you try to shock an Aquarius, no matter what the gift, you won't offend them! Even so there are some gifts that might be put into the back of a cupboard, such as that hand knitted sweater with a slogan on the front.

The worst possible present for a Pisces is a gift voucher; they'll feel no thought whatsoever has been put into this.

Unwanted Gifts to Avoid for All Signs

It goes without saying but if thinking of gifting any sign of the zodiac a new pet, be sure they want it first. Certainly this would and could be a gift some sun signs will be delighted with. But not everyone. And no matter what the animal, pets take time, money and commitment; it would not be fair on the animal or the person if an animal was given without adequate consideration.