Monday, 13 December 2010

Worst Gifts for Zodiac Signs

Supposing someone decides to treat a friend or lover but gets it terribly wrong, what's the worst surprise gift each sign might possibly receive?

For Aries, chocolates, toiletries and gifts with no imagination will be a huge disappointment. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac; they like to be the first to own their possessions. So don't give them anything that's second-hand or used. What's an Aries going to do with anything antique or old? Gift wrapping should be bright and fresh. They won't be impressed by anything that's crinkled or tattered!

Unwanted Gifts for Taurus and Gemini

Gifts have to feel good and smell good for a Taurus. They'd just hate to receive anything whether it's jewellery, perfume or wine that's cheap or tasteless. Taureans do have their lazy moments but that doesn't mean they'll appreciate exercise equipment. In fact some Taureans might wonder if this is a hint that they're overweight. Anything too ostentatious will scare the Gemini who prefers gifts that are light-hearted and fun. Despite liking to receive things in pairs, socks just aren't imaginative enough unless there's something cute and unique about them!

Unwanted Gifts for Cancers and Leos

Cancerians love their home but a gift of pots or pans or a bag of groceries would be taking it a bit too far! On the other end of the scale, Cancerians aren't too keen on weird and wacky items. They'd much prefer something "sensible and useful" that lies inbetween!

The worst gift a Leo could receive is something that appeals to the giver but not to them. Leos hate anything tacky. Whatever they've got, it has to be quality. They should be consulted first if thinking about buying a Leo items of clothing; they have very particular tastes.

Unwanted Gifts for Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius

Too much fur, feather, glitter or sparkle would irritate the prudent Virgo and don't buy accessories that won't match anything Libra wears. They're most particular about their clothing. Librans will hate anything really loud and anything that might hurt other people such as toys or gadgets that involve projectiles. Power tools aren't really their thing either.

Jokey items do nothing for the serious Scorpio and what's a lively Sagittarius going to do with a recipe book? They've too busy a lifestyle to spend any time in the kitchen. It's unlikely Sagittarius will be pleased with kitchen items or a vacuum cleaner either! Unwanted Gifts for Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces Capricorns will abhor flashing pens and ornaments; comic gifts will also leave them cold. Now even if you try to shock an Aquarius, no matter what the gift, you won't offend them! Even so there are some gifts that might be put into the back of a cupboard, such as that hand knitted sweater with a slogan on the front.

The worst possible present for a Pisces is a gift voucher; they'll feel no thought whatsoever has been put into this.

Unwanted Gifts to Avoid for All Signs

It goes without saying but if thinking of gifting any sign of the zodiac a new pet, be sure they want it first. Certainly this would and could be a gift some sun signs will be delighted with. But not everyone. And no matter what the animal, pets take time, money and commitment; it would not be fair on the animal or the person if an animal was given without adequate consideration.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

How Halloween Started

Over 2,000 years ago, the Celtic New Year began on the first day of November. The Celts celebrated a number of Festivals throughout the year and Samhain was a solemn occasion in respect of the end of summer and start of winter. The beginning of the Celtic New Year marked a time when darkness overwhelmed the world and the earth would become barren and cold. Death was not feared but accepted just as the ancient Celts respected the ever changing cycles of the seasons. The year was divided into four cycles and the start of each one would be observed through rituals of festivals, feasting and sacrifice.

The ancient Celts believed that during the night before the New Year, the veil separating the worlds of the living and the ‘otherworld’ was at its thinnest. This is the most likely time when spirits of the dead would return to the earth, crossing the veil from one world to another. The ancient druids would use these mystical conditions to tap into supernatural resources to make predictions about the future.

Because it was believed that mischievous ghosts walked the earth on the night of October 31st, causing havoc wherever they went, the Celts would dress up in animal costumes to disguise themselves and try to fool these malevolent beings. Lights in villages were extinguished and a huge bonfire would be lit where everyone would gather. Fire had a number of functions on this evening. As well as being believed to scare evil spirits away, flames from the fire would bring light in the darkness, the bonfires acting like beacons to attract ancestral spirits who wandered that night. Also, charms would be thrown into the flames symbolising the Celts’ hopes and wishes for the coming year. As we make New Year resolutions, the Celts too would reflect on the past and consider the future at the start of their New Year.

Another way to ward off evil spirits would be to throw animal bones into the fires and thus the origins of our modern word ‘bonfire’ come from these ancient ‘bone-fires.’

To prevent evil spirits from entering their homes, the ancients would leave gifts of food outside. These malevolent beings had to be appeased and villagers would give Druids (Celtic priests) gifts of food when they visited. This is one of the many theories as to the origin of ‘Trick or Treat.’

As Christianity began to spread over ancient Britain, November 1st was designated as All Saints’ Day to honour saints and martyrs. This was a part of an attempt by the Church to replace one of many ancient Celtic festivals with a related but Church-sanctioned celebration.

Rogers, Nicholas. Halloween: From Pagan Ritual to Party Night. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Do Dreams Have a Meaning?

There are a number of books on the subject of dreams and dream interpretation that claim there are specific meanings to specific symbols within the dreams. To see a sack in your dream, for instance, might be said to be symbolism of the womb and a feeling of security. Sacks can contain heavy items and can be cumbersome; it could therefore be associated with burdens and responsibilities.
How serious can these general interpretations be taken? It must be remembered that these are all-purpose meanings and if anything, they may lead to a person considering what certain dreams may mean to them.
There is every chance that seeing a cat in a dream will mean one thing to a cat lover and something quite different to someone who is allergic to cat fur. Be war of bending a dream to fit conventional meaning.
Once symbols in the dream have been studied independently of each other, consider how they merge together. Could a positive or negative aspect of one symbol have a subtle influence with the meaning of other symbols within the dream?
This can be linked to the tarot and astrology when certain features can be softened or enhanced by other links. For example, the World of Fortune tarot card placed between the Tower and the Moon can be seen more as a warning than if it was placed between the Star and the Sun.
Dreams mean different things to different people and interpreting dreams takes a lot of patience, intuition and experience. Persevere and your ability will grow.

Friday, 12 February 2010

Spring Cleaning and Astrology - Libra to Pisces

Here's how the signs Libra to Pisces might improve their daily life through an annual spring cleaning.

Libra and Spring Cleaning

Sometimes it's hard for Librans to be decisive and to make firm choices for the future. You need to swipe those negative thoughts out of your mind and give yourself a specific assignment for this spring season.
The hardest part will probably be getting started and deciding what you want to do. Resolve to decide this quickly then enjoy a special achievement at the end of it all.

Librans seek harmony in relationships; discord causes Libra tension and upset. You should therefore end all negative relationships and give more attention to the friendships that mean most to you.

Scorpio and Spring Cleaning

You don't want to waste your time and emotional energy on feeling angry and jealous. Clear up misunderstandings, make apologies, ask questions if there's confusion in relationships and aim to spend this spring feeling positive about yourself and your associations and make more room in your life for your friends.

Sagittarius and Spring Cleaning

Slow down and take more time for yourself and your loved ones. Sometimes life gets so busy you lose touch with what's important in your life. Spring renewal means getting rid of the negatives in your life including so-called friends who take more than they give and making more room in your life for the things that really matter.

Capricorn and Spring Cleaning

Capricorns take everything so seriously and you can exhaust yourself in trying to reach your aims. Wash away that more earnest side of your nature and find the fun side of you underneath. You can still work hard and be playful too. Lighten up your life with some humour and fun. Make more space in your days too, for some romance.

Aquarius and Spring Cleaning

You have many friends but life can get a bit disorganised when you've got so much going on socially. If you have clutter in your relationships this makes it hard for you to stay focused and your thoughts can get scattered. This spring, decide on who and what to spend your time on, reduce your cell phone contact list, condense your online social network and be more organised about the way you spend your time. You could be surprised by what you can achieve.

Pisces and Spring Cleaning

Pisceans should focus on spring cleaning their inner self. The less messy and disorganised your mind and emotions are, the brighter your life will feel. Think of all the time you spend worrying and agonizing over past mistakes or events that have happened and can never be changed. Sweep out all this negative way of thinking and allow fresh ideas to come into your mind like a breath of fresh air.

Getting organised and spring cleaning your life brings that wonderfully fresh "alive" feeling into your world that inspires, renews and provides fresh hope for the future.

Spring Cleaning and Astrology - Aries to Virgo

Not only is it cupboards and closets that might do with a clear out each spring, but it's a good time too to focus on lifestyle and attitude to enhance your life at work and home.

Here's how the signs Aries to Virgo might improve their daily life through a good spring cleaning.

Aries and Spring Cleaning

If it seems as if all the shelves and closets of your mind are full of half formed ideas and plans, now is the time to wipe them all clean. Forget all these because you will probably never get around to focusing on them; instead, make a point of starting something completely new and aim to finish it before summer begins.

Taurus and Spring Cleaning

This is a great time to do a life review. Think about all the least attractive aspects of your life and consider which ones are really musty and you could do with getting rid of. Work on ways of cleaning and clearing out all those negative things out of your life to make room for more positive ones to take their place.

Gemini and Spring Cleaning

Gemini's love to think and your mind can get cluttered with memories, thoughts of what has recently been going on, plans for the days ahead, gossip you've just heard. You might dwell on the same thoughts over and over when it might do you good to clear out some of those old ideas, hopes and plans you're holding onto through sheer habit. nstead, this spring you should plan to keep your mind focused on what's important and free up some space too, for new ideas.

Cancer and Spring Cleaning

Cancerians can get stuck in old habits because plain and simply, that's what you're used to. You might spring clean your life by throwing open the windows of our mind to new ideas and more positive ways of thinking. You can get attached to possessions and people because they give you a sense of security. If your home is getting full of clutter this is a great time to have a good clear out. You will feel more in control your life when your environment is in order.

Leo and Spring Cleaning

Leos can get quite obstinate and stubborn and maybe it's time to be more flexible and lenient. Acknowledging that you may have got stuck in a rut lately is the first thing that's needed to welcome a fresh breeze into your life. Make a list of all the positive benefits of a renewed point of view and aim to be more hopeful and to draw positive people into your social circle this spring.

Virgo and Spring Cleaning

Virgos love to have everything neat, tidy and pristine. Why don't you use spring cleaning your home as a method of spring cleaning your emotions too? As you dust and polish the various items around your house, think about where they came from or who gave them to you and consider your emotional reaction to each item.
Use repetitive housework like cleaning windows, mopping floors and even doing the garden as a chance to meditate and get in touch with your feelings. Virgos should also aim to eat a balanced diet, take regular exercise and sleep well to improve their lives.

Clearing up the clutter in homes and minds and getting organised can be inspirational and might provide renewed motivation for the months ahead.