Wednesday, 25 November 2009

The Colours of Christmas

Some sing of Dreaming of a White Christmas, forlorn lovers may have a Blue Christmas but what is the symbolism and associations of the colours of Christmas?

And how might this help when choosing a Christmas colour scheme for your home? Christmas colour schemes are chosen for a variety of reasons. It might be to match the colour scheme of the home, some will have their favourite holiday decorations and others will choose colours according to their mood. When choosing a Christmas colour scheme this year, it might help to consider some of the traditional symbolism and associations of the colours of Christmas.

Celebrating the Winter Solstice

Christmas was originally the pagan celebration of the winter solstice; a celebration to brighten spirits in the dead of winter and celebrate the coming of spring. Pine tree branches were originally hung around the house representing the green of the leaves in anticipation of the coming spring and homes were decorated with sprigs of holly to brighten up the grey winter months for the celebration.

Colours of Christmas: Red

The main colours of Christmas are red, green and gold, white and silver. Red is the colour of love and energy. In Christian tradition, this colour symbolizes the blood of Jesus which was shed for all humans that they might be saved. (John 19:34).

Red is the colour of fire inducing feelings of warmth and visions of roaring fires, red berries and Santa Claus. People who are drawn to the colour red are likely to be outgoing, cheerful and impulsive. However too much red could promote anger, over-excitement and intense emotions so it is always good, when using red even as a predominant Christmas colour scheme, to offset it with other, less fiery Christmas colours.

Symbolism of Green at Christmas

In Christian tradition green symbolizes eternal life in Christ (John 3:16-17). Green is the colour of holly and mistletoe, the Christmas fir tree and a symbol, at Christmastime, of nature. Decorating homes with green foliage cheers up the dark winter days with a symbol of hope for new beginnings.

Green is a relaxing colour; the colour of nature and fertility. People who choose green as their favourite colour are thought to be well adjusted, conventional and conservative. Adding green to the Christmas colour scheme will bring harmony into the home. When red and green are combined, it is said to express the hope for redemption through the sacrifices of Christ.

Symbolism of Gold at Christmas

The colour gold symbolises wealth. It is also a symbol of good health. In Christian tradition gold symbolizes Christ the Divine (Revelations 3:18) People whose favourite colour is gold are generally optimistic.

At Christmas gold can be seen everywhere: in tinsel, candles, Christmas stars, angels and twinkling lights. Adding gold to the Christmas colour scheme will promote courage, confidence and willpower and preserve the health of those living in the home.

Symbolism of Silver at Christmas

Silver, like gold, symbolises riches. Silver is a symbol of strength and can also be related to the moon and feminine energy. In Christian tradition, silver is used in a figurative way to represent God’words. Silver also symbolizes Redemption in Christ (Matthew 27:3-9).

This colour represents clarity, vision and brightness. Adding silver to the Christmas colour scheme will help enhance patience and perseverance within the family. Like the moon, silver has a calming soothing effect.

Symbolism of White at Christmas

Snowflakes, winter wonderlands, Santa’beard, the white robes of Christmas angels, white is a colour of purity and cleanliness; a symbol of rebirth. In Christian tradition, white represents the coming of the light of Christ into the world. White helps add light to the greens and reds, bringing a more balanced feel to the Christmas colour scheme.

Whether flamboyant, romantic, energetic or conservative, do your colour choices represent the traditional seasonal colours or perhaps, as shown above, they say more about you and your personality?

Christmas Traditions and Superstitions

Christmas is a time of the year steeped in traditition. Here are a few superstitions associated with Christmas and the New Year.

Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe and Superstition

For luck during Christmas, decorate the home with evergreens such as holly, ivy, rosemary and mistletoe. Mistletoe is believed, by some, to be a magical plant that keeps evil spirits away. It is bad luck to throw holly on the fire or to cut down an oak tree that has mistletoe growing on it, so superstition says!

Twelve Days of Christmas and Superstition

On each of the twelve days of Christmas, the weather is said to signify what the weather will be on each corresponding month of the coming year. It is also said that snow on Christmas day means Easter will be green. Conversely, if there is no snow at Christmas, Easter will be white.

A superstition among farmers says that a mild January will result in wintry weather from February through to the end of May and as a result, will bring about poor crops. While a clear, star-filled sky on Christmas Eve promises good crops in the summer. Fire, Superstition and Christmas

People should keep the home fires burning over the twelve days of Christmas, as it is said to be bad luck to let any fire in the house go out during the Christmas season. During the twelve days of Christmas, people used to cleanse the house and implements with special care otherwise they believed the fairies would steal them. If a cherry tree branch that is placed in water at the beginning of advent flowers by Christmas, this is a sign of luck.

Christmas Celebrations

For good health throughout the coming year, eat an apple on Christmas Eve. Another way to ensure luck in the New Year is for all members of the household to assist with stirring the Christmas pudding. As a symbol of luck, prosperity and marriage, a coin, a thimble and a ring were dropped into the pudding before it was cooked and these predictions would refer to whoever found the object.

People born at Christmas eve or on Christmas day are considered to be lucky. No matter how replete one might feel after the Christmas dinner, it is recommended that they round off the meal with a mince pie or two, for each one is said to signify a month’happiness. Or, for a year’good luck, a mince pie should be eaten on each of twelve consecutive days. And never cut a mince pie as this signifies cutting your luck.

New Year’s Eve Superstitions

If the New Year’s First Footer’ is dark haired and carries some coal, then a year of good luck will follow. This widely known superstition is said to have originated in Scotland. On the other hand, if the first person to enter a house in the New Year is a woman or a fair or red-haired man, then bad luck might be expected. Some also believed that empty pockets and empty cupboards on New Year’s Eve speak of a year of poverty.

And don’t lend anything on New Year’s Day as that could be unlucky too. Be sure to take down all Christmas decorations before the end of the evening of 5th January as it is unlucky to keep them up after Twelfth Night.

Astrology Romance and Compatibility

All the signs approach love and intimacy in different ways. This is a brief guide to star sign lovers, looking at how each sign affects compatibility.
For instance when it comes to heat and passion, the Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are all zealous and enthusiastic lovers. Playing hard-to-get will attract Arian’s competitive spirit and desire to win. For some light-hearted fun, Sagittarius will be glad to join in. Leo, too, loves to have an entertaining time.

For more than just a one-night stand all these signs need a partner who is adventurous and inventive, not just in the bedroom but in other areas of life too!

Fire Signs and Romance ~

The fire signs (as listed above) can be intensely competitive in relationships. Love is like a game and winning the game is important to them. Whether, once won, the object of their affection will hold their attention is another story. For this reason, relationships with these signs will be enjoyable and fun in the short term but they may not always be enduring.

Water Signs and Romance ~

Sensitivity is the magical ingredient in a love affair with Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. There’s a spiritual connection between these signs which hints of a romance that is both exquisite and enduring.

Cancer is an intuitive and imaginative lover. Please a Scorpio sexually and they’ll return this love and affection ten-fold. Pisces’ love-making style is tender, gentle and giving. These Water signs take love seriously and all yearn for permanence in romance.

Earth Signs and Romance ~

The Earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn prefer a traditional-style romance and will be cautious about committing to a long-term union. All are compatible in that they will be supportive and dedicated lovers. All seek long-term security.

Taurus needs a partner who is passionate but predictable. Virgo will be drawn to quiet types who they feel they can trust and depend on. Capricorn admires honesty and success.

Air Signs and Romance ~

Good communication is an important feature in relationships with Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Gemini is drawn to those who have a vibrant personality and love of variety. Libra loves romance and longs to be wooed in the old-fashioned way. Aquarius responds to flirtatious talk people who can make them laugh.

How the Signs Get on with Each Other ~

Enduring relationships are likely between Aries with Sagittarius or Aquarius; Taurus with Virgo or Cancer; Gemini with Libra or Aquarius; Cancer with Virgo or Scorpio, Leo with Libra or Sagittarius; Virgo with Cancer or Taurus; Libra with Leo or Aquarius; Scorpio with Pisces or Capricorn; Sagittarius with Gemini or Aries; Capricorn with Scorpio or Virgo; Aquarius with Aries or Gemini; Pisces with Cancer or Taurus.