Dreams come to us in all forms. They can be pleasant, entertaining and thought-provoking but they can also be dark and sinister, leaving us feeling disturbed and ill at ease. Generally, dreams come TO us. We have no control over them. However, in rare cases, the sleeper does realise that they are in a dream and once they've stepped over this mental boundary, they can have some control over the outcome.
These Lucid Dreams are so rare that we have only received one example in all the letters and emails sent to me. SW from Bolton wanted to share her first lucid dream with us:
These Lucid Dreams are so rare that we have only received one example in all the letters and emails sent to me. SW from Bolton wanted to share her first lucid dream with us:
"There was a knock on my back door and I went to open it, expecting to see my husband. Instead, Kevin Costner was standing there with a big handsome smile on his face. I stepped back, really shocked, and then I realised that I must be dreaming. Yet it felt so real and I didn't want it to stop. My husband was due back but I decided that if it was a dream, he could wait and invited the film star inside. It was such a vivid, real experience that I can't wait for it to happen again." -
And we all look forward to hearing the next instalment!